Problem with masking, please help

Hi Everyone, I need a little help on this.
I want to mask a movie clip with another one, the mask is a dynamic square which expands to the whole scene.
Anyway, I wanted to now what is the relation between the layer of the masked movie and the mask itself,(should they be at the same level or not?):hangover: I use the above script:

_root.createEmptyMovieClip("mask", 22);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("masked", 21);
masked.attachMovie("home_btn", "masky", 0);
with (_root.mask) {
	lineStyle(0, 0*000000, 100);
	beginFill(0*FF0000, 40);
	moveTo(38, 361);
	lineTo(saita._x, 361);
	lineTo(saita._x, saita._y);
	lineTo(38, saita._y);
	lineTo(38, 361);

Please help

Hey, saw this thread before.:slight_smile:
Gues it was on flashKit.
What kinda problem do you have with the mask.

I had a problem with it too, i wanted 2 mask different objects with the same mask, CAN’t be Done AAAhhggg;(

Had 2 make a mulitple masks if i had muliple objects to mask.

Greetz from deamothul - the script keeper -

zouzoum >> Maybe if you described your problem with that code… :slight_smile:
deamothul >> The usual workaround is to put all the clips you want to mask inside a container clip and then mask the container.

pom :trout:

Pom, that didn’t work 4 me. ;(