Problem with parsing data from xml

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to make a banner whic the user can edit his [COLOR=#000000]Preferences in a xml file. My xml file looks like below.


                        <text>hier komt de tekst</text>
                        <text>hier komt de tekst 2 van item 1</text>

each item in the banner may contain more texts. when i’m looping trough the items i do that as follow:

_billboardData_array = new Array();
            for (var i:int = 0; i < xml.billBoard.items.item.length(); i++) {
                //hold the data of the billboardItems
                var billBoardData:Array = new Array();
                billBoardData['billBoardID'] = i;
                billBoardData['imageUrl'] = xml.billBoard.items.item.imageUrl*;
                billBoardData['imageShowTime'] = xml.billBoard.items.item.imageShowTime*;
                billBoardData['imageClickLink'] = xml.billBoard.items.item.imageClickLink*;
                billBoardData['imageClickLinkTarget'] = xml.billBoard.items.item.imageClickLinkTarget*;
                billBoardData['animatiePosition'] = xml.billBoard.items.item.animatiePosition*;
                for (var j:int = 0; j < xml.billBoard.items.item.textboxen.textbox.length(); j++) {
                _billboardData_array* = billBoardData;

the goal is that i can parse the item associated with textboxes.

as you can see i’l try my best but i kinda stuck on the second forloop.

I hope someone can help me out with this.
