I am having some problem dealing with creating pop up. I want to mention here that I am trying to add pop to a button in FLASH or PROJECTOR(Not HTML)
My default browser is Google chrome and the home page is set to google.com
Now I tried this code:
var jscommand:String = "window.open('http://www.adobe.com','win','height=200,width=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');";
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);"); navigateToURL(url, "_self");
And instead of acting like a popup it just opens a new chrome window with all the toolbars and google.com as the page.
But I i publish the swf in html the code works fine and it opens a popup with adobe.com as the page.
But is it possible to do it from projector or flash or I am just wasting my time. Any help will be really appreciated.