Problem with rotating shot


i have a problem in rotating the shot of the enemy (there are some).

I elaborated on the problem.

i have my class of the enemy. i have the class for his shot. and some lines on the TimeLine.

i need to do that every enemy will have is own shot rotation. and when i checked with the trace command happen what i wanted to happen (evey enemy have is own rotation of shot)… but its not work.

this is the code on the timeLine:

var enemy:MovieClip;
var enemyArray:Array = [];
enemySpawn = function(numEnemies){
        enemy = attachMovie("enemy", "enemy"+i, i);
        enemy1._x = 939;
        enemy1._y = 299;
        enemy2._x = 619;
        enemy2._y = 278;

this is the code of the class of the shot of the enemy:

class ShotEN extends MovieClip
    var i:Number;
    var enemyArray:Array;
    var radians:Number;
    var speed:Number;
    var ang:Number;
    var xSpeed:Number;
    var ySpeed:Number;
    function onLoad(){
        enemyArray = _root.enemyArray;
        radians = Math.PI/180;
        speed = 25;
        for(i = 0; i < enemyArray.length; i++){
            ang = (enemyArray*.gun._rotation - enemyArray*.numToRot)*radians; //look at this line i think in this the main problem
            xSpeed = Math.cos(ang)*speed;
            ySpeed = Math.sin(ang)*speed;
            this._y = enemyArray*._y -10;
    function onEnterFrame(){
        _x += xSpeed;
        _y += ySpeed;

and in the class of the enemy i do a Variable called “numToRot” and do that when the enemy pos is right the value of the variable is 0 and when its left its -180. so when the enemy turn left the shot too.

i hope you understand me.

Thanks to everyone who helps!