Problem with the falling snow script

I download the source for falling snow on this link
and i want add something to this. I want to make one more movieclip with other snow flake. I do that i make new movie clip give him instance name.
and paste the as to this movie clip n add dupliacate as at the action frame.
but this doesn’t work. The new snow flake what i make is not duplicated. Only one snowflake falling at one moment. I dont know what i must done to get 2 diferent snowflake on this script.

snow0 this is the new movieclip

for (k=0; k<50; k++) {
	duplicateMovieClip(_root.snow, "snow"+k, k);
for (k=0; k<50; k++) {
	duplicateMovieClip(_root.snow0, "snow0"+k, k);

at the movie clips is the same code.