Problem with tile-based RPG

Hello, I’m new to this forums :beer:. I am currently working to a Role-Playing Game in Adobe Flash CS3 with ActionScript 2. I must include doors inside rooms, but when I do that, my player dissapears. I use this code:

 for (var i = 0; i<mapHeight; ++i) {
  for (var j = 0; j<mapWidth; ++j) {
   this["t_"+i+"_"+j]._x = (j*tileW);
   this["t_"+i+"_"+j]._y = (i*tileH);
   if (i == charPos[1] && j == charPos[0]) {
    this.char._x = (j*tileW)+tileW/2;
    this.char._y = (i*tileH)+tileH/2;
   if (i == doorPos[1] && j == doorPos[0]) {
    this.door._x = (j*tileW)+tileW/2;
    this.door._y = (i*tileH)+tileH/2;

Can someone help (I’m fed up with waiting this is the slowest commnity I’ve ever seen :hang:)?