I wonder if anyone could help find a solution to a problem I’m having with a typewriter effect prototype?
The code I’m using to achieve the effect is:
TextField.prototype.typeWriter = function(type_str:String, type_speed:Number) {
var type_field:TextField = this;
type_field.text = "";
var type_counter:Number = 0;
var type_interval:Number = setInterval(function () {
type_field.text = type_field.text+type_str.charAt(type_counter)
if (type_counter == type_str.length) {
}, type_speed)
Which is activated by
myTextField.typeWriter(myText, typeSpeed);
It all works fine, but my problem is that if I use it to display a new string in the same text field before the previous string has finished ‘typing’, the previous string and new string are typed at the same time, resulting in a spliced textfield of gobbledegook - characters from each string are displayed alternately, for example:
If I feed “goodbye” into the function before “hello” has finished, I get “hgeololdobye”.
I presume that what I need to do is clear the previous string before using a new string, which I’ve tried to do by using
myTextField.text = "";
before calling the typewriter function, but that doesn’t work. Can anyone tell me what I need to do? Something within the prototype? It’s reached tearing hair out stage…