Problem with Unloading swf deleting the container

I have a main swf which I am loading other swf’s in to using a container. On each of the swf’s I am loading I have an unload button which I placed the actionscript below on. The swf unloads fine, but it seems to be unloading the container as well. After I unload one video the others will not load. I don’t know if it is because the unload button is on the swf being loaded and is not on the main swf or what. Is there anything I can put in this to make it unload the external swf and not the container on the main swf? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

on (press){
   this.onEnterFrame = function(){
      if(this._alpha > 0){
      this._alpha -= 8;
      if (this.alpha > 1) {
            delete this.onEnterFrame;