Problem with using bounds in startDrag if rotationX property is changed

Hi all.

I’ve created a flash card class in ActionScript that uses a tween to flip the card over the y-axis (i.e., by using rotationX). I also use the bounds property of startDrag so that, when you drag it, its movement is locked on the x-axis. (There’s also a method for switching between dragging and flipping, but since that’s not broken, there’s no need to discuss it further).

Here’s my problem. If I haven’t yet flipped the flash card over, the card drags fine. If I flip the card over and don’t use bounds in startDrag, it works fine. But if the bounds property is set and then I try and drag the flash card after it’s been flipped, the movement goes all haywire. It basically jumps back and forth between the two ends of the bounds’ rectangle.

Is there any way you can think of to solve this problem? Alternatively, is there any way to use sprites to limit movement? For example, would it be possible to place a pair of one-pixel-thick horizontal lines on the top and bottom side of the flash card, set their alpha to zero, and somehow stop the flash card from moving past the lines? I assume it would involve using hitTestObject, but I have no idea how to limit drag range that way.

Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.