Problem with wordwrap in textfield

I am having problems with wordwrap in a dynamic textfield. Wordwrap and muliline are set to true. The html is styled with css, which works. Its just that when a line of text is too long to fit in the textfield it wraps onto itself.

Any help appreciated.

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
import CustomScrollBar;

loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);

menulist.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, itemChange);

// Create the declaration block 
var pDeclarationBlock:Object = new Object(); 
pDeclarationBlock.fontFamily = "Arial"; 
pDeclarationBlock.fontSize   = "12"; 
pDeclarationBlock.fontWeight = "normal";
pDeclarationBlock.wordWrap = "true";
pDeclarationBlock.multiline = "true";
pDeclarationBlock.leading = "-100";
pDeclarationBlock.color = "#F7A76F";

var h1DeclarationBlock:Object = new Object(); 
h1DeclarationBlock.fontFamily = "Arial"; 
h1DeclarationBlock.fontSize   = "22"; 
h1DeclarationBlock.fontWeight = "bold"; 
h1DeclarationBlock.leading = "-5";
h1DeclarationBlock.color = "#F8F3C7";
var h2DeclarationBlock:Object = new Object(); 
h2DeclarationBlock.fontFamily = "Arial";   //Avenida
h2DeclarationBlock.fontSize   = "15"; 
h2DeclarationBlock.fontWeight = "bold"; 
h2DeclarationBlock.leading = "-50"; 
// Create the stylesheet 
var styleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); 
// Create the rule 
styleSheet.setStyle("p", pDeclarationBlock);
styleSheet.setStyle("h1", h1DeclarationBlock);
styleSheet.setStyle("h2", h2DeclarationBlock);

var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.font = "Arial";
tf.size = 14;
tf.color = 0xf8f3c7;
tf.bold = true;
// menulist.setStyle("textFormat", tf);
menulist.rowHeight = 25;
menulist.setRendererStyle("textFormat", tf);

function itemChange(e:Event):void
    menucont.width = 423;
    menucont.wordWrap = true;
    menucont.multiline = true;
    menucont.styleSheet = styleSheet;
    menucont.htmlText =;
    if (this.getChildAt(4) != null) {
        trace("not null");
    var _scrollBar = new CustomScrollBar(menucont, 15, false, {gradient:true, alpha1:1, alpha2:0.5, fTint:0xe0434f, bTint:0x70494D, corner:10});

var xml:XML;

function onLoaded(e:Event):void
    xml = new XML(;
    var myPattern:RegExp = /£/gi;  
 var stringxml:String = xml.toString();
 stringxml = stringxml.replace(myPattern, "£");
 xml = new XML(stringxml);
    var il:XMLList = xml.mmenu;
    for(var i:uint=0; i<il.length(); i++)
    menucont.wordWrap = true;
    menucont.multiline = true;
    menucont.embedFonts = true;
    menucont.styleSheet = styleSheet; 
    menucont.htmlText =;
    var _scrollBar = new CustomScrollBar(menucont, 15, false, {gradient:true, alpha1:1, alpha2:0.5, fTint:0xe0434f, bTint:0x70494D, corner:10});
    menucont.mouseWheelEnabled = true;
    menulist.selectedIndex = 0;
    menulist.rowHeight = 25;
    menulist.setRendererStyle("textFormat", tf);
loader.load(new URLRequest("