Problems accessing nested movies


I’m quite new to both Flash and AS3, but I’ve been experimenting for a bit, but now I’m stuck, or coding in circles, so it seems…

I fear this is quite a common beginner question, feel free to direct me to the search function if that is the case.

The problem:
The tween showing/hiding the panel is already in place. I’m stuck at placing the button inside the current movieclip, either I get null references, or I get nothing at all.

The idea:
I’m trying to make some sort of button. Initially, I show a magnifying glass.

When a user moves his mouse over this image, a panel slides out.
This panel contains a dynamic text box and another button.

The textbox will be used to display the name of an item (an external XML file will contain this info).
The button in the panel is nothing more than the text ‘more info’ which should underline when the user moves his mouse over it, and should return to normal when not over it.
Once clicked, it should take the user to a specific URL.

[*]When the user moves his mouse out of the big area, the panel should shrink again.

Where my head started to spin:
I guess it has to do with ‘target paths’, and the general understanding of how to nest, and later access, nested movieClips. I even tried making a seperate movie clip and then tried to import it, which didn’t have the expected result. Also, when I tried constructing the movie clip inside the existing movie clip, it works as long as I stay away from it with my cursor, when my mouse hovers over it, the whole parent movie goes berserk as well, and starts to flicker continuously.

if it helps, source in ZIP.