Problems creating my quiz

i have some problems creating my quiz. It is about multiple choice questions. Right now, there is an animated monkey swinging from the tree. The question is next to the swinging monkey. If you answer the question wrongly, the monkey falls down and brings you to next question. The problem is that I do not know how to bring the monkey to next question.

can you take a look at my fla file? my file, is at ftp://[email protected]/.

Look out for my file,

I am using Flash MX.

thanks! if you are not clear abt what i want, let me know. :slight_smile:

maybe i programmed it wrongly so can u help me with the programming? thanks!

What I want from the quiz -

  1. If you answer the question correctly, the bingo message appears and then vanishes after that. The monkey swings to next question.

  2. If you answer the question wrongly, the sorry message appears and the monkey falls down. Then it brings you to next question.

I managed to get No. 1 working but not this No 2. But I think that I programmed it wrongly so can u help me with the codes? Thanks!

mmmh sorry i cant d/l your file i need a password… maybe you should leave it on an http:// location…

hmm…can u try hopefully u can get my file from this link. u can find the file, there.

have you found my file there? pls let me know and help me with the programming. i understand that my programming is so messy that u cannot understand. that is why i ask u for help how to program correctly. thanks!