Problems importing sound!

When I try to import these two sounds with Flash 5, I get “Cannot import because there were problems reading it.”

can anyone help?

Try opening them in some sound-editor program and saveing them to 2 separate sound files and try importing the new files.

hmm, what kind of sound editor? I have the mp3, not the wav, and i want to keep as tiny a size as possible.

Also, i tried to download the “flashtrak” and i got a .swf file, that supposedly has the sound, how do i, say, set it as the ambience?

hum… dunno…! Any sound editor…

uh, okay, lets forget about that =\ How do i convert a flashtrak (from to a symbol?

a flashtrak?

you can download files as a “flashtrak” which turns out to be swfs… go

Download the wav i.e. right click on the wav link and choose the “save link as …” option, then import the wav into the fla either File->Import or Ctrl+R

Don’t worry about file size you can set the mp3 compression when you export the swf.

If you want to use the flashtrak which is a swf you can either import it as a resource in the FLA or attach it using actionScript