Alright, I need some help. I’ve created a flash site and I’m loading external swf’s into my main movie to keep things organized as well as efficient. Now my main movie contains the buttons that call on the external swfs. Every page works perfect except for one. The external swf that does not work has three movie clip buttons that are trying to load external swf’s into the main movies container movie clip. The code that I’m trying to use is as follows…
on (release) {
if (_parent.currMovie == undefined) {
_parent.currMovie = “residential”;
} else if (_parent.currMovie != “residential”) {
if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) {
_parent.currMovie = “residential”;;
Now these movie clip buttons are supposed to call on and replace the movie in the container movie clip but nothing is happening. Any suggestions would be great. I’m thinking the code container._currentframe may be the problem since it’s calling from a movie clip loaded in a external movie but everything I try fails.