Problems with duplicating movie clips

So here is the problem. I am making a simple address lookup in flash. I have an asp page that pulls all my data and loads the vars into flash using an array. I use flash to pull apart the array and populate the movie clips that i generate. I can get it to work with one array, but when I add multiple duplicatemovieclip(); items to my loop statement the others disappear. To be more specific any of the items before the one I add disappear. If I comment out the line the one before it shows.

Here is my output from my asp page.

&name_output=West Coast Sport Consignor Cor ,SportChek Kitsalano,SportChek Pacific Centre,SportChek Broadway,SportChek Pacific Centre,PIAS - Vancouver (WA) ,&city_output=Vancouver ,Vancouver,Vancouver,Vancouver,Vancouver,Vancouver ,&phone_output=(604) 732-4810 ,(604) 731-6181,(604) 687-7668,(604) 874-6530,(604) 687-7668,(360) 260-9440 ,&address_output=1655 W. 4th Ave. ,2201 West 4th Avenue,777 Dunsmir Street,18 West Broadway ,777 Dunsmuir Street,8101 NE Parkway Drive ,&postal_output=V6J 1L8 ,V6K 1N9,V7Y 1A1 ,V5Y 1P2,V7Y 1A1 ,98662 ,&counter=1

Here is my flash code.

// split up the array by looking for the commas
name_array = name_output.split(",");
city_array = city_output.split(",");
phone_array = phone_output.split(",");
address_array = address_output.split(",");
dealerpostal_array = postal_output.split(",");

// get the length of the array
array_length = name_array.length;

// looping everything
for (i=0; i<array_length; i++) {
setProperty(“dealername”+i, _y, i70);
set([“dealername”+i+".info"], name_array
setProperty(“dealercity”+i, _y, i70);
set([“dealercity”+i+".info"], city_array
setProperty(“dealerphone”+i, _y, i70);
set([“dealerphone”+i+".info"], phone_array


This is driving me nuts, I bet it is something really simple. Thanks for any help you can.
