So I know I’m deranged for still working with these flvs, but hear me out. I’ve read about the hassles of working with the buffer and it’s bytes. All I want is to know when it is buffering and put a spinny wheel on the screen while it’s buffering so it doesn’t look frozen (as is the popular thing to do now a days).
I’ve tried
case "NetStream.Buffer.Full":
trace(getTimer(), ":", this,, "<STATUS>: NetStream Buffer Full");
_videoBufferingAnimation.visible = false;
case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty":
trace(getTimer(), ":", this,, "<STATUS>: NetStream Buffer Empty");
_videoBufferingAnimation.visible = true;
I’ve made sure the _videoBufferingAnimation is on top (It actually has an addChild I deleted just before it)
The buffering shows up initially, and dissappears as it should (although I’m not entirely sure that the video just doesn’t get added over it).
But if I seek forward to a point of buffering, the vid freezes but the animation doesn’t show up…
Am I missing something dumb? or is there a better way to do this?