Problems with PHP Mail!

Hie guys, i am down with another proble now!!

I tried to send a feedback to my email address by filling up a PHP mail form(done in flash) in my localhost. But after submitting the form, the mail isn’t sending any response to my email add. Could anyone please look through my code and see what is the problem with the php code? Thanks alot!!:slight_smile:

Is this the code you actually use ? Cuz if it is, you gotta replace [COLOR=BLUE][/COLOR] with your own email address :beam:

hi Voetsjoeba , i have replaced that with my own email address in the first place but it couldn’t send any response to my email address.Is there any way you could help me?

you don’t have the code set up right. read this thread:

it’s Just because you don’t have the configuration of your SMTP In your WebServer.
If you have IIS: