Problems with scope for newbie!


I’m trying to change a global variable from within a MC. On my main timeline my variable is declared as follows [COLOR=darkred]_root.Artist=“Test”;[/COLOR] I created a function which randomly selects a frame number in my MC on stage in order to show an image. At the same time code in this frame is meant to update [COLOR=darkred]_root.Artist[/COLOR] with the content of the image. In my MC frame the value is changed as follows [COLOR=darkred]_root.Artist=“Fragonard”; [/COLOR][COLOR=black]This doesn’t however seem to affect its value in the main timeline which stubbornly remains [/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]“Test”. I[/COLOR][COLOR=black] need my function in the main timeline to retrieve the new value of _root.Artist from the MC.[/COLOR]

I hope I explained this okay!:blush: