Problems with swf caching on my server

So, I’ve been having some weird issues when I update swf’s on my server, and they’ve only gotten worse sense I update to Windows 7. Essentially, when I go to test the updated swf file, I continue to load the previous. It’s baffling to me to because I just booted up my kickaround machine and went to my site, and sure enough, the swf has been correctly updated. But on my workstation, it loads still loads the previous swf. Before I updated my machine to Windows 7, I could resolve this issue by restarting, but that solution doesn’t seem to work now. It’s really sapping time away from me.

I’ve tested the site in Firefox, IE and Chrome, and all continue to load the previous swf. This makes me think it’s an issue with the actual flash player itself. When I went to “C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\4FUSHX3E” believing this being the place that a cache file would be stored, it’s empty. I’ve deleted the “AssetCache”, and it gets recreated, with a subfolder but now named “UJQ6GQM6.”

Is this some sort of server issue? I still think it has to do with local caching.

Has anyone else come across this? I’d appreciate any input you all might have. thanks
