OK I’m a newbie so bear with me.
I made 2 scenes - a “preloader” and a “main”. I was looking in this Flash book on how to make a simple preloader so i did it and its not working - here is what i did…
In the “preloader” scene, i made 2 layers; an “action” layer, and an “animation” layer, with the animation layer consisting of a small movie clip of the word “loading” blinking on and off. In the action layer, this first frame script looks like this -
ifFrameLoaded (“main”, 170) {
gotoAndPlay(“main”, 1);
in the second frame, the action looks like this -
to me, the script in the first frame means its waiting for the “main” scene to load up to frame 170, and when that happens, it should play the “main” scene.
the script in the second frame means if frame 170 of the main isnt loaded yet, it will return back to frame one of the “preloader” scene. Is this right? When i test it, it completely skips over the “preloader” scene. I tried to use the “debug” command in the preview window, and it just stays stuck in an endless “preloader” loop. The “main” scene is not big by any stretch of the imagination, so i dont know what the problem is - is my scripting wrong? Can anyone please help?