I have a loop that creates movie clips where the movie clips are named mc_+ x for say x = 1 to 10 so the movieclips are called mc_1, mc_2…mc_10.
What I need to do is the know which one of the movieclips is clicked on but more importantly the number i.e if movieclip mc_2 is clicked on then I need to use the value 2.
At the moment I am sending the value of x to be displayed in a text box within each movieclip:
_root.search.textfield.text = x;
Then I have a piece of actionscript that uses the value of x but I don’t seem to be able to “re-read” the value of x back with:
var t = _root.search.textfield.text;
what I want is t = x
is it to do with strings and number variables?
As a different solution is it possible to send the variable x to each movieclip so that it can be called from within each movieclip instead?