Programmatic SWF to bitmap (png/jpg/gif) conversion

All righty. Here’s the story:

We’ve been using flash charts (written by moi) for about two years now at the company I work for. We need an easy way to generate charts that can be emailed which means exporting the charts (thousands of 'em) as some sort of bitmap.

Is there an easy(-ish) way to do this? A Perl module (no, not SWF::Builder), some ActionScript, a program?

I realize that I can get per-pixel data using the new bitmap class and export the bitmap data to a server-side script and build using GD – or something to that effect.

My only concerns with that are CPU usage. There will be hundreds of charts generated each month…

Anyone got a thought or two? Anyone got balls big enough to solve this one? And please, don’t flame with “shouldn’ve have done it in Flash”…you are on KirupaForum.