Hey everyone!
My name is Timothy Westfield, and I’m a Java programmer.
I’ve been doing programming for about 10 years now, but I only worked with java for about year or so, but I am nearly a Java god
Basically, what I want to do is to team up with a GOOD web-designer and start a company creating web-sites. This won’t be a regular design company - I had some ideas about why this would be different, I’ll explain details in private.
Basically, here are my skills:
General Unix administration (ie CVS mail server web server FTP server database whatever)
C C++ (haven’t done in about a year since started java)
Excellent Java skills. I am focused on java for web-development purposes, that is JSP Taglibs, and all the related stuff. I can make anything starting from forums or guest books, going to online sales and web-based email servers. Really, there’s no limit to my skill
Pretty good with HTML and CSS… I don’t have the “talent” to make it look beautiful, but I know it inside out. I haven’t work with JS for a while, but I used to be pretty good at it.
I am pretty good with photoshop. I know how to use it and I’ve made some pretty cool stuff, but I don’t exactly enjoy doing it (whereas I love programming), and I, again, don’t have the graphical talent.
What I am looking for in DESIGNER:
Obviously, talented with graphics. I have no graphic software preference, but I think most good designers use PS, so I’d expect the designer to be good with photoshop…
Good with Flash.
Excellent HTML and CSS skills
3d skills are a plus
music skills are a plus
If you think you’re a worthy designer, and you want to try and start a business 50/50 with me, please contact me at
I suggest that you send examples of your work when you contact me, for they are important to me
Just to note: I am planning this to be a full-time full-scale business, and if you’re not willing to dedicate a lot of your time (at least 6 hours a day) to get this business going, please don’t reply.