Programming Question (how would you do this?)

Hi All,

I have a question. I’m building a site that has 5 different pages. The layout on all 5 pages are exactly the same (except for the image and content). What I would usually do in this situation is create 5 movie clips, and put them all in one movie clip, add markers, and for the nav, I’d do a "gotoAndStop and that would be that. A friend of mine who’s an extremely good developer told me that - that is not a good way to do it. He advised me to create a template (the image and content holder), create an array of objects for the images and content and run a for loop to call the specific image and content to display the data and then go from there. I understand the concept of that but not really sure what that’s called or exactly how it works, but I’d like to know what everyone else is doing.

Your friend is right. Go ahead and try to code it yourself and post if you have any issues.

The magic word is…

dynamic… flaaaashhhh


The next step obviously is using an XML or direct DB connection instead of internal arrays.

Nice, any good links or tutorials you guys can direct me to? I’ve looked at and a few others but I haven’t found exactly what I’m looking for. As mentioned above, i’m just trying to find a tutorial that I can create a single template, and apply the content from my array depending on which link is clicked.