progressBar Component working in Opera/Firefox but not IE?

Can anyone tell me if the** progressBar** component operates differently in different browsers or have any suggestions on what I should do to make it compatible with these 3 browsers? I’m at my wit’s end with this bloody component…

…My website’s loader works to show the moving/progressing loading bar in Opera and Firefox upon thumbnail-click, but in IE it just hangs there at the start and out of nowhere the image pops up in the Loader component that I have on stage.

I can’t figure it out, so far I’ve just come to the conclusion that it’s a browser issue (unless someone can tell me otherwise).

Here is the link to the website so far…

  1. Fire up IE and Opera/Firefox and open the site in both browsers.
  2. Go to the ‘photography’ section >> macro >> click on any thumbnail and watch the white “loading” sign’s grey progressBar that pops up from the little caricature at the top left.

many many thanks for you time.