ProgressEvent, What object is it currently Tracking?

So I have set up a image gallery where I load data form XML then create an array of Sprites to loader the data. I’m not at my code at the moment so I will try to remember the basics of how it is, might not be correct. Hopefully you will get the Idea of what i’m asking though

So basically I create the loop, but contentLoaderInfo.addEventListeners Complete and progress to them as they go through the loop, like this…

for(var i:Number = 1; i <= Length of XML; i++){ 
          myButtons* = new Loader();
          myButtons*.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(event.ProgressEvent, showProgress)

function showProgress(evt.PROGRESS){
         trace( this is where I want to find out what its currently showing the bytesloaded too
         trace( evt.bytesloaded)

That works great I have it tracing the progress of every image just fine. Now what I want is to be able to track what object it is showing the progress too, so if its myButton1 or myButton3. Or a way to remove the event listeners to those objects I created once they are completely loaded. I have tried a bunch of stuff nothing has worked I only can get data about the event taking place not the object causing it

Hopefully this makes some sense, to someone haha…

Thank you again everyone

I’ve been working on this thing too, your script helpd me alot! Thanks!