So I have set up a image gallery where I load data form XML then create an array of Sprites to loader the data. I’m not at my code at the moment so I will try to remember the basics of how it is, might not be correct. Hopefully you will get the Idea of what i’m asking though
So basically I create the loop, but contentLoaderInfo.addEventListeners Complete and progress to them as they go through the loop, like this…
for(var i:Number = 1; i <= Length of XML; i++){
myButtons* = new Loader();
myButtons*.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(event.ProgressEvent, showProgress)
function showProgress(evt.PROGRESS){
trace( this is where I want to find out what its currently showing the bytesloaded too
trace( evt.bytesloaded)
That works great I have it tracing the progress of every image just fine. Now what I want is to be able to track what object it is showing the progress too, so if its myButton1 or myButton3. Or a way to remove the event listeners to those objects I created once they are completely loaded. I have tried a bunch of stuff nothing has worked I only can get data about the event taking place not the object causing it
Hopefully this makes some sense, to someone haha…
Thank you again everyone