Projector problem!

Hello all,

I’ve made a projector with my 720 X 486 flash movie.

But when I look at my .exe file, I can see
the animations coming from the borders :stunned:
The projector shows all the elements even if
they are not suppose to be on the scene :frowning:

I have these actions on my first frame :
fscommand(“fullscreen”, “true”);
fscommand(“allowscale”, “false”);
fscommand(“showmenu”, “false”);

Anyone knows how to iliminate this problem ?
It would be truly appreciated ! :smirk:

Thanks ! :thumb:


errr, i never made a projector as i never had to. the wrong way to do it is mask your entire movie with a box the size of your stage

Hey Digitalosophy,

Thanks for the tip ! But I have 106 layers
and I would have to put them all under
a Mask layer… :crazy:

More suggestions ?


lol ya thats why i said “the wrong way”