I am redoing a site that is using a login and password to even get into the site…It has one of those window prompts that come up and ask for a username and pw before anything happens. What I plan on doing is making a login form in flash which is no problem. Inside the site are a bunch of pdfs. I need a user to be able to download them once they are logged in but ONLY if they have logged in.
I know its possible one way or another to get a direct link to one of the PDFs that will be inside the flash site once the user has logged in.
Is their a way to set a session in flash that when the user clicks to open a pdf, it sendsAndLoads a php file that checks if the session is registered and if its not , continue download. Basically I need a php file that checks for a session and if its registered then continue and let them download. I am doing this just so no random person can just type http://blahblah.com/files/thepdf.pdf
I hope you understand what im trying to say. Thanks!