Protection...from watching

Ok, so i loaded the online movie and copyed it from temporary internet files to my hard so i can view it offline. Instead of playing it says “You can view this online on the site” and i can’t view it unless i’m online. I am a modem user and i don’t have time to view 6min movie. So is there any way to bypass this?

All other movies i saw in the world are normal. I can copy it from internet temporary files and view it any time i want. So?

It depends what’s in there, if it’s video, you might be able to extract it with one of those decompilers…there’s a tutorial at flashkit (i think it was there) on how to add code to an swf to check if the file is viewed on the owners site and if not, disable viewing, maybe that’s hoq it was done…
Send them a mail and state your problem…what is the file?

the movie Genyu Blade

Yup, just what I thought: it checks to see if it’s embedded into a page with the sites url, if it’s not, a few frames with stop actions, in case you use the right-click menu to play, and then on the last frame before the movie starts, an action to shut it down (fscommand quit):

// [Action in Frame 5]
if (substring(_url, 1, 25) == “”)
} // end if

// [Action in Frame 6]
if (substring(_url, 1, 21) == “”)
} // end if

// [Action in Frame 7]

// [Action in Frame 8]

// [Action in Frame 9]
getURL(“FSCommand:quit”, “TRUE”); //this one kicks you out

// [Action in Frame 10]
gotoAndPlay(4); // sends you back to security check, movie starts on frame 11…too bad…

Conclusion: if you don’t have ActionScript/url editor by Buraks, no way Xcept on their site…