Prototype Help

Hi all,

Working on a flash component and I am having trouble referencing prototype functions. All of this code is in the 1st frame of my component. For example, in the performBuffer prototype I am trying to call the muteSong prototype and the stopBuffer prototype, but I am not having any luck. Any help is appreciated. I can send more of the code if needed.

function JukeBoxClass() {

JukeBoxClass.prototype = new MovieClip();

JukeBoxClass.prototype.init = function() {
   some code

JukeBoxClass.prototype.muteSong = function() {
     code to mute song

JukeBoxClass.prototype.performBuffer = function() {
     //Check to see if Ten Second Buffer Exists
     if(mySong.duration - (10 * 1000) >= mutePosition){

JukeBoxClass.prototype.stopBuffer = function() {
     code to stop buffer here

JukeBoxClass.prototype.onEnterFrame = function(){
       	if ((mySong.position == mySong.duration) && (mySong.position > 1000) && (percentLoaded != 100)){
	callBuffer = setInterval(this.performBuffer, 100);


did you initclip and register class?

Hi Sen,

Thanks for your help. I sure did. At the top I have


and then at the bottom I have

Object.registerClass("JukeBox", JukeBoxClass);

I guess my main question is just how do you call a prototype function from another prototype function. I always thought it was just this.functionName();. As long as it is in the same class in the same frame of a movieclip. Anybody have some comments.

JukeBoxClass.prototype.muteSong = function() {

JukeBoxClass.prototype.doStuff = function() {

yeah thats pretty much it. I think your problem lies in the setInterval though. If you are applying the interval to an object and one of its methods, use the form
setInterval(object, “method”, time)

callBuffer = setInterval(this, “performBuffer”, 100);

Thanks Sen. I will check it out tonight.