hey i was trying to create a website layout in PS7 and i did, then i tryed to create some features of the site in flash, like buttons and other things, but when i try to import each layer it’s just doesn’t work and i can’t do anything with it , sorry if i haven’t explained myself very well but i just don’t get it lol
I don’t get it either, could you explain your problem a little bit more and be more specific?
ya ok i make a site layout in ps7, i have it in lets say 7 parts, the main interface, the designs a couple buttons and other stuff, then i make lets say 7 layers in flash mx and import the gif’s into each one, but it won’t let me animated some of them, i just want to be able to make a site layout in Ps7 and use flash buttons and other flash things thats it
could you post your fla so I can take a look at it? It will help me see your problem.
Hey all
Dont really understand what your talking about Mr.JedI69.
Though ill give it a shot,
Your got layers in photoshop and your importing them into flash, each layer is active or non active?
what i mean by that is that will each layer be animated some how or is it a static graphic?
And if your importing into flash, i highly reccommend importing as PNG(loseless) then allowing flash to use jpeg compression, this will allow the image to be compressed only once, than if you compress it in photoshop say to jpeg or gif and then again in flash the quality of the image will decrease greatly.