I’d like to use Flash for a nifty presentation, avoiding ole PowerPoint… I thought of a book-style presentation, rendering multiple pages that will turn over; looking like a real 3D book.
I thought of designing the single pages first, aligning all the objects like bitmaps, continuos text and captions, then using all that as one object that warps when moving the mouse so it looks like rolling and zooming a real 3D object, then turning over the page (just rotating it, no warp intended) so one can see its back and the front of the next page when clicking…
Would you recommend doing this in real 3D like described in http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/mx/flash/articles/flash_3d.html ? I don’t think it’s possible animating anything but real vectors with this engine, but maybe you know better?
If you know how to best create such an animation or know any tutorial telling me how to do this, plz answer, I need to get the presentation done by Friday
Any help would be greatly appreciated… otherwise I think I’d just have to scrap Flash and do this one in crappy ole PowerPoint without any 3D effects at all.