Publishing file sizes Q

ok the question is weather a published flash movie contains all the files and images in the library or just the ones that are used in the timeline. I have one file that has a whole lot of images in it and the .fla file size is around 900k, not to big but when I copy and paste the frames from the main timeline into a new .fla file only the images used in the timline transfer to the library and the file size decreeses to about 300k. This seems better but tedious, especially since the file size of both the .swf and .html published files from each .fla file is the exact same.
Anyone… I just want to be sure that the load time is as short as possible.

Everything that is in your library get’s put into your swf when you export it. So only put things in your library if they are used.

thanks, makes sense, but that doesn’t really explain why the .swf files are the same size after exporting them from different sized .fla files. Each .fla file is identical except one has more images in the library than the other.
I guess that just doesn’t make sense to me if one has three times the amount of images as the other. And if the .swf file is the same size, shouldn’t it take the same amount of time to preload.
anyways can’t be that big of a deal but thanks for the help/info

Flash does not include any unpublished symbols in the final swf.

Any symbol that is in your library but not in the timeline, isn’t included in the publishing of the .swf


snap, crackle, pop!
thanks, you guys stay on top.

hmmmm. I don’t know if that is true. It’s experiment time.

Well i’ll be ****ed. I could have swore that whatever was in your library was what was in your swf.

I learned something today…