Hi Guys,
I hope you guys are doing well. I have the strangest problems ever with Flash, and I think this one takes its own cake :). So I guess you can say that these would be considered “Publishing” problems so let me begin:
First Problem:
I imported an .FLV video through Flash 8’s import feature. Picked a skin and everything for it. When I compiled the file, the video played fine, with all the right skins, size, and the SWF file looked great.
Next step was to “embed” this video clip into a website that I’m doing, also, a Flash 8 project. I imported the video, using the loadMovie() method and I must say that it worked flawlessly, so I was extremely happy.
Now, everything works great on my computer, the individual .swfs and the .swf of the website and the video embedded in it, however, that is where things stop to be good.
First and foremost issue is the oddest thing I have ever seen with Flash. When I launch the .SWF for the video itself on MY computer, that is, the computer that CREATED and MADE the .FLA and the .SWF for this imported video, the SWF works great, HOWEVER, as soon as I take .SWF of file of this project to ANY OTHER computer OR upload it online, the .SWF shows up as BLANK!! That of course reflects on my created website project too, as that doesn’t show this video as an embedded Flash movie, when ITS .SWF is executed on a Webserver or ANY OTHER computer than the one that the Flash projects were created on!
To make things simple, here is what I’m saying:
Imported .FLV in Flash 8, through the import feature with a skin, and so on. Let’s called this, “video.swf.”
video.swf works great!
Have a website project that I’m working on, also built on the same computer and Flash 8. Let’s called this, “website.swf.”
Embedded “video.swf” in “website.swf” through loadMovie() and everything works great!
When the SWF files are transported to a DIFFERENT computer/machine, the “video.swf” shows up as BLANK.
This, I believe, causes the “website.swf” to show the video part as blank, as well.
Condition # 5 is also true when the files are uploaded to a server, in other words, to a different machine.
Do you guys have any idea why that is happening? I would appreciate ANY help on this. I have updated the Flash Player and everything, and the problem persists. “video.swf” shows up blank on any other machine, than the one it was created on.
Second Problem:
As if the first one wasn’t strange enough, this one would also upset you.
So just like the last example, I embeded another feature into my “website.swf” and this one is an mp3player so let’s call it, “mp3player.swf.” This was also embedded using the loadMovie() method.
This one works fine on the local machine or when uploaded except for minor flaws. These flaws are:
Sometimes, on some IEs, the music in the back keeps playing and works fine, however, the visual aspect of the player does NOT show up on the “website.swf.” This condition has been rare so far, but if you guys have any ideas as to how I can fix it, that would be great!
This one is a MAJOR flaw on this player. So, the mp3player is supposed to autostart at the loading of the movieclip which is does PERFECTLY in the Internet Explorer that I have, which is IE7 I think. It also autostarts in the .swf file on the local machine, of course. HOWEVER, the player DOES NOT start automatically when loaded into FireFox and Opera! The visual controls of the movie clip are all there, but the music does not play, until you hit the play button! Again, this is ONLY true in FireFox and Opera, not IE.
As if the problem isn’t bizzarre enough already, if you hit the Refresh button in FireFox or Opera and load the website again, the next time and all the other times you load the “website.swf” the player starts AUTOMATICALLY just like it does in IE!!! Isn’t that strange!? I would presume that this is true until you clear the cache or something, but I don’t understand what kind of a problem this is.
Do you guys have any ideas as to how this can be fixed? I would really, really appreciate your help!
So that’s about it guys. I apologize for writing this HUGE post, however, as you can see, I have strange problems. I thank you in advance for reading my post and trying to help me out. Again, I would be truly grateful to you if you have any ideas why this is happening. Thank you!