Punisher Movie - Your Comments and Ratings?

I saw Punisher two days ago and I thought it was ok but not that good. It started out well and because Frank’s whole family was killed he wanted revenge. So he sets out and his three targets one by one will be killed. Alright the bodyguard was gay and was killed, small part of the movie. But then at the end, nothing exciting happens. They have a small party and the whole family and guests have drinks. No real battles for Frank and all he did was just set the bomb within the champagne and boom, he kills the guards, not really a problem. The son, the son full tough who punches Frank and throws him down the boats befire, in the end, just dies without no proper fight. Howard Saint, an exclusive businnessmen having a partnership with the Cubans, runs out the the elevator, unarmed, runs to the carpark, gets shot, gets tied to the car and dies with balls of flames. Where is all the real action? They could have somehow made the movie btter by somehow capturing Frank, ties him up interrogated him and them somehow busts his way out. Or the Saints could have retaliated and them escaped and fought some other time and meets Frank again.

My rating: C