Pup up button work with player7 not with player 8

Since I am more like new in Flash 8 I need help. Please san anybody check out the Action Script what is wrong with this pop up button. It works fine in all players but not in player 8. Here is fla zip file: [color=#0000ff]http://www.enpub.si/test.zip.[/color] With publishing I got this message:

Error Symbol=centerPopupBtnzemqe, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 2: ‘)’ or ‘,’ expected
getURL(“javascript:window.open(’” add url add “’,’” add winName add “’,'width=” add winW add “,height=” add winH add “,top=’+((screen.height/2)-(” add winH/2 add “))+’,left=’+((screen.width/2)-(” add winW/2 add “))+’,toolbar=” add tools add “,scrollbars=” add scroll add “,resizable=” add resize add “,menubar=” add menu add “,status=” add status add “,directories=” add directory add “,location=” add location add “’); void(0);”);

Error Symbol=centerPopupBtnzemqe, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 3: Unexpected ‘}’ encountered

Total ActionScript Errors: 2 Reported Errors: 2

**The original action script is:
on (release) {
getURL(“javascript:window.open(’” add url add “’,’” add winName add “’,'width=” add winW add “,height=” add winH add “,top=’+((screen.height/2)-(” add winH/2 add “))+’,left=’+((screen.width/2)-(” add winW/2 add “))+’,toolbar=” add tools add “,scrollbars=” add scroll add “,resizable=” add resize add “,menubar=” add menu add “,status=” add status add “,directories=” add directory add “,location=” add location add “’); void(0);”);