i am trying to add an “outline” / “border” around the site content…
basically i created a 770x700 website design and sliced it up in photoshop…
i published both the images and the html…
i am now editing the html file in dreamweaver…
one thing i want to do is to put a black outline / padding / border around the whole site to make it look better…
so what i did was to use CSS, click on the layout table and set its class to blackBox…
here’s whats written in the CSS:
.blackBox {
padding: 5px;
background-color: #000000;
when opened in firefox, it works…
however, if i open it in IE6, the whole site gets the “padding”…
so if you can imagine, there are 5px padding spaces in between each slice… so the page looks like it blew up… but in firefox, the padding only surrounds the site and doesnt “add” itself in between the slices…
i dont understand why this is happening (partly cause i dont really play around with CSS, this is one of the few times im using it)…
all i want to do is, like i said, put a black outline around the site…
any other way of doing this?