Q: Falling Snow v2.0 tut

First of all, I am new here, so…
~ Hi everyone! ~

To the problem:
Yesterday I took a look at some of the Flash-tutorials here. And I decided to do the Falling Snow v2.0 tutorial. It was a really good and easy-to-do tutorial. I did exactly what was written in it - and it seemed to be troubleless, untill I was going to test it. Then my machine hang up for about 10 - 15 sec, and I got an error like: “… script is running slow … blabla … wish to continue?”

I understood something was wrong - so I started all over again, but I still got the same error, so I did it once more, and once more and … yeah, you get it! Then I finally downloaded the source file from kirupa / this site, and test runned it - and it worked!!

After some time I understood that you had set up the document to use Flash Player version 6 (I got Flash 8), so I did the same to my fifty-sixth project, and it worked.

So, my question is: Why do I have to set the Player version to 6 instead of 8 to make this script run? And how can I know that a script require a earlier version of Flash to be ‘executable’?

(OBS! I am a newbie with Flash & I hope my english is ‘OK’ enough … hehe)