[Q] Preloader help: making sure image is FULLY loaded

<disclaimer> I have to make a Flash 6 gallery so I can’t use MCL </disclaimer>

There are times when the jpg that is getting loaded doesn’t center correctly. I have done everything that I can think of to check to make sure that it is fully loaded before I try to center it. Here is my code:
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function preloader(num:Number):Void {
    preloader_mc._visible = false;
    onEnterFrame = function () {
        var l:Number = picture_mc.getBytesLoaded();
        var t:Number = picture_mc.getBytesTotal();
        var per:Number = Math.round(l/t*100);
        if (per>0) {
            preloader_mc._visible = true;
            test_txt.text = "running";
        if (t>4 && picture_mc._width>0 && picture_mc._height>0) {
            test_txt.text = "pictured centered";
            delete this.onEnterFrame;
            preloader_mc._x = -1000;
            preloader_mc._visible = false;
            picture_mc._x = BG_mc._x+(BG_mc._width/2)-(picture_mc._width/2);
            picture_mc._y = BG_mc._y+(BG_mc._height/2)-(picture_mc._height/2);

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[/FONT] Do you have any theories why the clip will not center correctly?

