Qonsole Central - Games Magazine

Here’s my entry, the cover for a Games Console magazine.

^ 800 x 1200 larger scaled version ^

I’m probably going to keep updating this until the deadline, I keep getting more thoughts and inspiration for it so dont be set in your mind that this is my final piece, although its pretty much gone as far as it can…

Its quite good,
The top of the magazine is good inc the title etc.

As for the body of the magazine, i’d simplify it slightly. Instead of loads of pictures i’d keep the focal one - Halo 3 because its the most recognisable and is written in big text on the front. I’d keep the whole of the image you cut masterchief out of.

Make the other images smaller and put them in a smarter layout, ie. all on the left or right or spread evenly on each side. Making the images smaller will show halo more and will make the front look cleaner and less cramped. I’d get rid of those rectangular images, save them for inside the magazine where the format will be different and they will be better suited.

I don’t think you need all that text, it just takes up a lot of room and people will see the images first. ie. instead of saying

“The screenshots of Sonic’s PS3 are so stunning, they’ve completely blown us away. Page 48 for pics.”

…write something shorter and to the point, eg.

“New screenshots of Sonic for PS3. Page 48”

Nice, i like the fonts and the Halo heading works well,

Very nice, this is one of the better entries so far. It really looks like a mag cover.

i like it, looks very tidy

I totally agree with you there, had a long look at it and you were right - I’ll update the image later with a new preview, thanks :slight_smile:

too boring, add more text effects

Looks good but begs the question why is console spelt with a Q?

Maybe its an name that stands out more then console

I like this one.

I don’t know, it’s a good concept, it’s just missing something.

Yeah, guess I still got a bit of work to do…