Query: Distinguish between no set RGB or Black

Hello everyone, I am having quite a problem with getRGB determining if there was no RGB value previously set or if the value is black. Of course, if no value was set, getRGB returns 0, and if the color is 0x000000 (black) it still returns 0.

So what I need to do is find out if there is a way to distinguish if no RGB was set (via setRGB() of course) or if the color is 0x000000 (black). I have a workaround where it returns that the color is either black or not set, but frankly I think we all know that is quite ineffecient in more ways than one :sigh:

The answer is probably right in front of my face and I will probably feel like a tard when I get it, but right now I have a headache the size of Texas and this isn’t helping it any :hangover:

Here is my code: [AS]function getColor() {
this.col = new Color(this).getRGB().toString(16).toUpperCase();
return this.col == 0 ? “0x000000 or no set color” : “0x”+this.col;
function setColor(col) {
return new Color(this).setRGB(col);
MovieClip.prototype.addProperty("_color", getColor, setColor);
trace(myClip._color); //returns “0x000000 or no set color”
myClip._color = 0xFF0000;
trace(myClip._color);//returns “0xFF0000”[/AS]

myClip is just a generic shape movieclip symbol on the stage with the instance name “myClip” (no quotes)