Question about a dynamic value i have set

Ok, I have a flashproject in where i have a dynamic text field given a variable name (var). The name of it is “deadline

In the begining of the timeline i have defined that deadline=0
Then on various places in the timeline i have added into an actionscript the line:

  • deadline++*

This all works fine and dandy, and the value showed increases with 1 each time (as i want it to).

Now to the problem:
I also want a line to grow depending on the value of deadline. Think of it as a thermometer, which starts with just a tiny line, but as the value of deadline increases the line gets wider (longer).

Is this possible without massive coding? I am sort of a beginner so I cant write my own scripts yet, barly just pieces together things i find on forums and make them work.

Please help me out! You can e-mail me or reply here. Thank you!=)