Question about a tutorial on here

Is there a way to do tha teffect inside of a button? and have the little shapes move only inside the button?

Any help would be appreciated.



I also did this that is on the tutorial as well.

The above code I pasted works for a finite browser size: 300 pixels by 200 pixels. More than likely, your may be larger or smaller than 300 by 200. To modify that, look in the code you pasted in Frame 1 of your animation. Find the commented line that says “//specify the width and height of the movie” and look at the two lines below it.
In the width field, change the value after width to reflect your animation’s width. Likewise, in the height field, change the value after height to reflect your animation’s height:

So I made the height and width the size of my button but it is still all over…
