Question about array?

loadClip = function (mc) {
	speed = 3;
	loc = 0;
	with (mc) {
		_xscale = 0;
		_yscale = 0;
		_x = 0;
		_y = 0;
myClips = new Array("fraL", "fraR", "fraT", "fraB");
for (i=0; i<myClips.length; i++) {
	mc = myClips*; = function() {
		//trace (mc);

dear members, I need some help-

The above mentioned code doesn’t work. In arraying, [COLOR=Red]is it possible to put the names of movie clips into Array,movie clips that I have in stage, and call them for a common function?[/COLOR]
eg. fraL, fraR, fraT, fraB are four movie clips on stage.
I put them in array and called them with “mc”.onLoad as function. This didn’t work. loadClip is another function that I am using for setting properties.

I was trying to apply the similar functions called with for Loop…
Please help me out



well… onload event will not work properly for your specific case.
You can use next code instead yours

loadClip = function (mc) {
 speed = 3;
 loc = 0;
 with (mc) {
  _xscale = 0;
  _yscale = 0;
  _x = 0;
  _y = 0;
myClips = new Array("fraL", "fraR", "fraT", "fraB");
for (i=0; i<myClips.length; i++) {
 mc = myClips*;
  //trace (mc);

just try it :wink: