when i load a movie (which loads variables from a phpscript) into a movieclip, the variables arent loaded. any ideas?
are you using something like below to check everything is loaded
myLoadVars.onLoad = function (success)
trace("failed load");
Failing that could you post where you load your script
and the php code which generates the variables if possible.
Hmm actually fishtank here’s a snippet of a movie I made, this section of my code is very relevant to what your doing…
unloadMovie("_root.target");//unload any previously loaded movies in 'holder' (called target)
MyVars = new LoadVars();
MyVars.onLoad = function(success)
trace("function MyVars.onLoad");
loadMovie("myMovie.swf", "_root.target", "POST");//'post MyVars Obj to loading movie
trace("Failed to grab vars");
Hope you can make sense of this, I will elaborate if need be.
thanks m8…
no problem, so did you get it working in the end fish?
je suis en france ce moment
im in france at the moment, cant try anything at the mom :trout: