Question about loadmovie

when i load a movie (which loads variables from a phpscript) into a movieclip, the variables arent loaded. any ideas?

are you using something like below to check everything is loaded

myLoadVars.onLoad = function (success)


       trace("failed load");


Failing that could you post where you load your script

and the php code which generates the variables if possible. :slight_smile:

Hmm actually fishtank here’s a snippet of a movie I made, this section of my code is very relevant to what your doing…

	unloadMovie("");//unload any previously loaded movies in 'holder' (called target)
	MyVars = new LoadVars();
	MyVars.onLoad = function(success)
		trace("function MyVars.onLoad");
			loadMovie("myMovie.swf", "", "POST");//'post MyVars Obj to loading movie
			trace("Failed to grab vars");

Hope you can make sense of this, I will elaborate if need be. :slight_smile:

thanks m8… :slight_smile:

no problem, so did you get it working in the end fish?

je suis en france ce moment :slight_smile:

im in france at the moment, cant try anything at the mom :trout:
