Question about Pixelfonts

Is there a pixelfont available which is really close to Verdana HTML text 9px?

FFF Alias is to wide, so is Standard 07_54…

Does anyone knows if there is a pixelfont closer to Verdana 9pts HTML…or knows a clean, easy readable Pixelfont with both Capitals and undercast letters???


i really can’t think of any font right now :-\

however … there’s this program that might help

[size=1]ps. it’s not free :*([/size]

well, I heard that it doesn’t really does a great job. lots of tweaking is needed afterwards.

apart from that, I don’t want to pay 30 bucks for a programm I most likely will use only once :slight_smile:

but thanks for the link anyway.

well, I heard that it doesn’t really does a great job. lots of tweaking is needed afterwards

that sucks … :-
thanks for the warning :slight_smile:

but thanks for the link anyway

no problem :slight_smile: … i guess :crazy:

FFF Harmony is not bad.