Question about Rollover (not flash)

This doesn’t have anything to do with flash, it’s just simply html (dreamweaver MX).

I have a button that I want to have a simple color change on roll over. That’s easy enough and I can do that with no troubles using the swap image thing in Dreamweaver MX. However I also want some text to change on the site when the visitor rolls over that same button. Now I also know how to make that happen using the swap image thing as well. The trouble I am running into is when I try and implement them both at the same time on the same button. I want the button to change color and have some text on the page appear when the user hovers over the button, and the button to go back to it’s original color and the text to disapear when the user moves their mouse off the button. The problem is when I try and put both of those image swaps into place the button ends up staying in the over state instead of returning to it’s original cover when the mouse rolls off of it.

Can anybody help me out with getting both of my actions to return to their normal state when the mouse rolls off the button?


Anybody? :-\ :-\

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