Question about the Chromless tut

Hey all, I followed the tutorial for a chromless window in Flash 2004. My question is; is it possible to have a number of different links for the window. I want to use it for a number of different buttons on my site to open different portfolio peices. In the HTML code it seems as though I can only put in one url.

heres how you do it. its not tested but it should work:

change this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="ByKlein_chromeless2.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
function createChromeless()
		//This are the attributes you can customize//
		var B = "";        // URL
		var Y = "Example by Kirupa";                 // title
		var K = "c_title.gif";             // titlebarImage
		var L = 23;                                            // titlebarHeight
		var E = "Arial";                                       // titleFont
		var I = 10;                                            // titleSize
		var N = "#5596AE";                                     // titleColor
		var C = false;                                         // scrollbars
		var h = 500;                                           // width (w)   
		var r = 400;                                           // height (h)
		var o = true;                                          // centered
		var m = 0;                                            // xPos
		var e = 0;                                            // yPos
		var l = "#5596AE";                                     // borderColor
		var e_= 5;                                             // borderSize
		var s = "minimize.gif";            // minimizeBottom
		var s_= "close.gif";               // closeBottom

		myChromeless = new ChromelessWindow(B,Y,K,L,E,I,N,C,h,r,o,m,e,l,e_,s,s_);

to this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="ByKlein_chromeless2.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
function createChromeless(B, Y)
		//This are the attributes you can customize//
		var K = "c_title.gif";             // titlebarImage
		var L = 23;                                            // titlebarHeight
		var E = "Arial";                                       // titleFont
		var I = 10;                                            // titleSize
		var N = "#5596AE";                                     // titleColor
		var C = false;                                         // scrollbars
		var h = 500;                                           // width (w)   
		var r = 400;                                           // height (h)
		var o = true;                                          // centered
		var m = 0;                                            // xPos
		var e = 0;                                            // yPos
		var l = "#5596AE";                                     // borderColor
		var e_= 5;                                             // borderSize
		var s = "minimize.gif";            // minimizeBottom
		var s_= "close.gif";               // closeBottom

		myChromeless = new ChromelessWindow(B,Y,K,L,E,I,N,C,h,r,o,m,e,l,e_,s,s_);

when you want to open a new window do this:

chromeless.onPress = function()
	getURL("javascript:myChromeless.openChromeless('url of page here', 'title of page here')");	

should work

Thanks I’ll give it a try after work.

did it work?