Question. CounterUP

From the web…

How to make the Counter Count Up.
Partiular Day…

Today Date is: 6 July
Then My date is: 1 July

So which means it will Display: 005 Days : HH : MM : SS : SSS
It CountUp…

T. T No Reply

Only been like 1 hour :-/

Today Date is: 6 July
Then My date is: 1 July

what I dont get is that. How can todays data be after the date you want? What are you trying to do?

Erm ok…

If a Boy and Ger Relationship Started… on "10 Jun 2004"
how to use the Counter Timer Count up to today…
So is Today day “06 July 2004”

31 day and how many hour…

Still no ans T. T

i know how to code it in Visual Basic Programming…
but here T. T
