Hi, I’m trying to add a loadMovie script to the existing code of Flash MX’s scrollbar script.
I’m trying to create a flash tour, with four steps to a service that my job offers. Each step is within it’s own scene, and the steps are identified using numbered diamonds. The synopsis of the each step is within its own text box, with the scrollbar attached to it. Fine-that works.
Now, when the scrollbar hits the bottom of the track, I would like a movie to appear telling the user to click on the next diamond to get to the next level. I’m using a lot of lines for design purposes, so I would like to keep within that track by making a line appear that motions towards the next diamond that they are to click. I only want it to appear when the scrollbar hits the bottom of the track, but disappear when it’s positioned anywhere else.
I’m sure the only thing I truly need to do is attach a movie at the end of the text within the box, but depending on where the user stops the scrollbar it may or may not appear where I want them to see it. I know there’s a loadMovie script that could work, but I’m not quite sure as to where in the existing script for the scrollbar that it could work. Could someone help me with this?
Thanks, Chellie!:ninja: